Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I did not Shoplift the pootie!

The best part about devoting your hard work to a digest article is the fun experience you will get reading it after the partner goes through it with a red pen. I spent many hours making this article the one that would change everyone's life. I saw the beginning scene of Jerry McGuire in my head, where he writes the memo and he thinks it will make people cream. That is how my digest article went, minus the whole getting fired and dating a single mom thing that Jerry had going on. So the partner handed me back the article today with only a few marks. He says its too long. Yeah. You try shortening a 50 page case from 5 pages into less. Its 4 now. This better be good enough or im taking Flipper with me.

One more concern. They tell us that Westlaw is billed to the firm regardless of how long we spend on the damn program. Good thing cuz the rep says that we get charged per search, which makes my grand total for the research ive done so far, $500,000.

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