Friday, December 10, 2004

The wall

Ive hit the wall. Almost fell asleep talking to a friend on the phone. No use studying anymore tonight. Im going to get some shut eye so I can get the library when it opens tomorrow morning. I was productive this week. Next week will really be the test of that, but I feel good. Good luck to all law students all over, I know this week and next are exams. Except for you Yalers. Damn you for your no grades crap. Whats next, no bar exam?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make sure you know how to take the exam. That's as important if not more than what to put down. My grades went up significantly 2nd semester because I was a better exam taker. Explore IRAC. Distinguish cases even if you think they don't apply. Be able to argue policy about why one choice is better than the other. Review your exams with your professors next semester one-on-one. And don't study 12 hours a day. Nothing good can come of that.