Sunday, December 12, 2004

SHH. Just Go.

i promised myself that i wasnt going to study to much today. My first law school final exam is tomorrow. Im ready. Hell, ive studied more this term than in my entire undergraduate career (explains why im at a T4). Im motivated though. Trying so hard not to be one of the many running around here with little confidence in their abilities. People beat themselves before they even see the test. I know my stuff. I feel good about it. I suppose that it is impossible to feel like you have done everything you could have done. I did that. And i still feel like i could have done more. Either way, i put in my blood, sweat, and tears. Good luck to all my classmates and thanks for the support from my friends, readers, and family. Im a lucky guy to have you all. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

W said...

Good luck to you.