Tuesday, September 06, 2005


1st employer out of 9 to give me a ding. Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


First, I agree with the Texan.

Second, currency speculation is very risky to someone who has had no experience in it. It also requires a substantual amount of starting capital and near constant vigilance to actually make a profit. You want to invest, try a nice MF or VUL.

Third, new studies show that girls are repulsed by nice guys with high earning potential. Professional men everywhere are encouraged to leave their corporate highrises and begin new careers as wall artists and poetry critics. Also, nothing says "Long term relationship" like a few weeks of neglect followed by promises to change and hot sex. I encourage all my friends to a)make the switch to acting like assholes and b) buy stock in Sharmin Inc.

--hemp rOPE