Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Feel my firm-ness.

Took a chunk out of my land use digest article today. Went to lunch with an of-counsel attorney at the firm. Tried to take over the world. Looks like it might be a two day project.

Broke my phone at the gym. Now the screen doesnt work. Ive had the damn thing for less than 6 months.

Billed 51 hours last week. Im trying to get an invite back for next summer. I could see myself working for this firm when i graduate.


Abogada said...

Good luck with your two day project of taking over the world. You better hope I don't beat you to it!

Anonymous said...

Alex Slander the Gr8's ten laws of the land:

Law 1: All those over six feet tall shall walk on their knees henceforth.

Law 2: All those who made fun of Alex in highschool shall be dressed as clowns, dipped in honey, taught to speak french, and summarialy executed by beesting while crying "Sacre Bleu!".

Law 3: People far and wide will acknowledge the obvious superiority of the Honda Element to any other comparable vehichle.

Law 4: Any perfume smelling remotely of tropical fruit shall be banned.

Law 5: Beer pong is now a designated Olympic Sport.

Law 6: Anyone with a swastika tatoo will be transported en mass to a filthy train, from there to an internment camp, and stomped out of existence through a grisly series of torturous atrocities.

Law 7: Wine will no longer be served in boxes regardless of it's lack of preparation.

Law 8: The word "fricken" is hereby abolished as both an adjective, an adverb, a verb modifier, a subject, an object, an explicative, or the dative infinitive to a prepositional phrase.

Infact, just don't say it at all.

Law 9: Traffic laws shall be changed to include speed minimums on all major traffic arteries and byways. Also, those crappy bike lanes are history.

Law 10: Basketball, not baseball, shall be recognized as the true offical sport for the US. Time to have a sport that it is possible to sweat in for our national identity.