Friday, May 13, 2005

Irony and other little creatures that bite you in the ass

I find it extremely ironic that day after writing my post about being happy in biglaw I was assigned a memo that was so urgent I stayed at the office 16 hours to finish it.

I found a crumpled up piece of paper in my pocket that added to the irony. It said "Note to self: Take research and writing before summer clerkship so that you dont spend 16 hours working on a memo for a partner."

The moral of the story is that when you finally meet the cleaning attendants that pick up all your messes at night, you arent really surprised that your stapler smells like Doritos, and your chair wreaks of patchouli.

I capped the week off with some sushi and an drinks with a few associates and a couple partners. It was a long week but I think that once I get a little more effecient at this writing thing, I will be in good shape. And by the way. The partner loved the memo.

1 comment:

Cherry said...

I'm glad things are working out so well. I hope it's ok that I'm living vicariously through you and your firm job as you blog it.