Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Serious Post

I spent the day searching for an expert on mexican wage claims for a $17 million suit.

I have really grown to despise the judgmental folks in law school. Too many are idealistic and have no capacity to fathom the real world. They criticize my choice to persue big law without realizing the hypocrisy of their views.

If I choose to change the world by persuing a boring, monotonous, but generously well paying biglaw job, then so be it. Later down the road, when i have a little extra money I can put it to good work. I can start a non profit to benefit disadvantaged people.

The fact that people criticize this career path is astounding. I humbly admire anyone who can make a living in this world for less than what average lawyers make. The part that I have a hard time understanding, is how they will help others when they are struggling themselves.

Maybe I am naive. All I know is that I would like to be happy and to make people around me happy. Knowing how I will provide food, shelter, schooling, etc for the family I would like to start is probably my biggest motivation to pursue biglaw.

In the end, I will be happy, because I find away to adapt to any situation. I also know how to surround myself with people who share this positive outlook on the world. Belive me, they are few and far between.

1 comment:

Abogada said...

Good for you. Everyone's got to do their own thing- what makes them happy in life.