Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Grow Up

We are sitting here in the library, clicking away on our comps when we hear a loud thud. The sort of thud that is unmistakeable. The sound of a person falling. Now an ordinary person would instinctively turn and look to see if someone is alright. We law students apparently have forgotten the humane instincts that keep us from being loathed. A perfect example: After the poor girl fell, everyone that was in a close vicinity began laughing. Students cheered. People came from other sections of the library to join in on the festivities. It was hard not to smile, and even giggle a little inside, but I wasnt going to add to the girl's embarassemnt. Remember in the movie Titanic (you know ive only heard about because i dont watch chick flicks) when people were throwing others out of the way to get to the life rafts in a hurry? Those people were all lawyers. Law school has a way of making some people lose their sense of humanity. Im suprised a few 3Ls didnt walk over to her and coerce her into suing the school for negligently having carpeting installed that would clearly trip someone with rubber soled shoes. I wonder if self loathing is part of every lawyer's transition into this noble profession?

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