Sunday, November 14, 2004

Goodbye ODB

Another music legend has died. No, im not talking about Axl Rose. Think gold teeth. Think 14 illegitimate kids. ODB has left us. Its unfortunate about the kids also. He has so many, they are each likely to get about $18 dollars after probate, assuming his gold teeth were paid for. Changed the context of "Baby i got your money" doesnt it?

They say celebs die in threes. Rick James was first and now ODB. Who is next? They did have one thing in common though. Cocaine was one hell of a drug.

My Junior Investment Banker friend decided to stop towing the anchor and look for better employment. Its nice to see people sticking their necks out there to search for happiness.

Once when asked why I liked living in California, i replied, "If you're gonna sit in traffic, it might as well be sunny outside". Happiness for our generation will be what we make of it. Property is all bought up, jobs are few and far between. Find a career that makes you happy in some aspect, because realistically, that perfect life is alot different now that we are grown up. Isnt it? I love the fact that I am chasing the dream. Not knowing how this term will turn out is scaring the crap outta me but it makes me feel alive. That is more than i can say for all the days I woke up, dragged myself to work and wondered how my life would be if I accepted the fact that I wasnt happy with my career choice. So here I am. And here are all these books im supposed to be reading. I will leave you kids with a quote that a wise cheerleader gave me.

"Following the path of least resistance is what makes rivers and men crooked."

Ps. More to come tomorrow. Im watching the OC my friend taped for me tonight.

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