Friday, January 14, 2005

Hot in Here

At the risk of sounding redundant, the weather sucks here. Yesterday it started out being 52 degrees and went to 15 by nightfall. Today, a blustry 11 degrees and windy as hell. This flu just wont seem to go away, and it seems like class has just dragged on all week. Finally a weekend to catch up on rest and studying.

Im not quite sure how anyone could look forward to these winters?

In good news, 3 of the schools that I am applying to in the next few weeks do not requre a letter of recommendation, so apps are almost ready to fly out the door. Just gotta wait for the class rank to come out. Its too bad they dont factor in my top score in Pole Position into the mix. Then i would be number 1.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you apply to transfer this early? My targets won't start taking apps until June (and they want Spring grades).