Sunday, January 16, 2005

Deep Thoughts (Seriously

This post comes at the end of a week of flu induced delierium. I was fortunate enough to keep up with my assignments each day, so im really not behind, although im not sure I was very productive while I read.

I suppose there are set times in life where you realize your personal growth. Making the basketball team freshman year, highschool graduation, etc. These are all coming of age moments where you realize that you are successful, or strive to change what you are doing so that you are successful.

The most interesting thing on how law school affects my life is that ive had these coming of age moments at the weirdest times. So much pressure is put on exams that there is this missing void at all times in law school. I think that is why people feel guilty when they arent doing law school stuff. This carries on to their careers, families, etc.

We all say "that wont happen to me". Realistically, it will. Billable hours will happen to everyone.
Im putting my foot down now. I came to the realization in the last few weeks that being a lawyer will be tough. Being a good person is even tougher. A combination of the two might be next to impossible but something needs to change.

I guess what im trying to say is that after reading a particularly negative blog about how soulless the industry is, I decided that im not going to sacrifice the way I am just to fit in. I have always been able to make things work while being supportive of people. If people held themselves to a higher standard then maybe this industry wouldnt have such a bad rap.

Maybe im naive? This outlook has worked for me so far. Im not quite sure where this thought came from, but it was in the middle of reading a very long case.

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