Monday, January 10, 2005

Chicken Soup for the Gunner

Im not sure how, but I got sick. I played 3 hours of basketball last night so that might have had something to do with it.

ConLaw is cancelled for next monday because of MLK day, which is fine by me, but the makeup is the following Saturday morning at 8 am. How sadistic is that?

Prof Contracts is going from mean to growing horns fast. We have weekly online assignments, known as CALI lessons for all you L's out there. Each one she assigns is an hour at least.
The Parol Evidence Rule one took me an hour and 2o minutes, and im a fast test taker. On top of this, we have a weekly essay, that is turned in before lecture. Dont forget the reading she assigns. She then started our first class by telling us that we should all be ashamed of ourselves if we got less than A's. She's another pompous top ten grad (Uof M) and also known on campus as an elitist which seems pretty redundant in the law school arena. More to come as im sure she will provide many hours of blogging material.

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