Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Gunner's anonymous

Class is awesome. Prof contracts and Prof Property are great. Their teaching style fits with how I learned. The made the material fun so far. Prof Prop grilled the hell out of this kid that was unprepared. Wonder when my time will be?
So many damn gunners I dont know where to start. How do these people not know that they are annoying. Again, I am trying hard. Ive been putting in 11 hours a day so far. I will mention though, that I am not, however wasting my peers' time by asking ignorant mindless questions. Since when did "Just the facts mam" become "And one time at band camp..."?
I need a break and some caffeine. It looks like Torts will be the toughest so far. Most interesting to say the least, but so many more elements.
I have no idea of any movies coming out, current events, who won the election, why you cant stick a laptop in the microwave, or where my clean underwear is. I AM A 1L.

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