Friday, September 24, 2004

Friday Night Fights

You know its Friday when the library has empty tables and the only people studying there are the ones that care. So it shouldnt come as a surprise that some people get ticked off at minute annoyances. The guy sitting 3 tables away from me just told some fellow classmates of mine to "shut the f up or he was going to make them". It was kinda funny simply because:
1) it was two guys to the one complaining, so no amount of "making" would suffice
2) its week 4 and the tension in the library is worse for students than for a prom night virgin
3) if you are really going to study on friday, the library isnt the best place.

On the other hand, I think i have what i am calling the "Henry VII complex". I have a hard time not getting heated in lecture these days. There are so many morons here that I feel like I should just start chanting "Jerry, Jerry" instead of reading my casebrief. I wish I had a shark with frickin laser beams swimming around my classroom killing all my idiot classmates. I guess that is what i deserve for telling Harvard to kiss it.

Looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend in the library. I just love the crisp pages in a new book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Today, the gentle warmth of the sun capriciously reminded me of London. I still remember passing by a poem carved into the wall at the Underground at Waterloo Station. I said, 'I dream of a place where the sun flutters on my skin like your once eager kiss.' The simple joys really make my day."

-J. ~(-_-)~