Thursday, January 26, 2006

Yet more proof of who wears the pants

Abogada: What you doing this weekend hotstuff?

Me: Gonna watch the superbowl and study. Maybe do 500 crunches.

Abogada: The superbowl isnt this weekend smarty pants.

Me: Its not?

Abogada: No, Feb 5th. Awww. Did you forget to eat your Flintstones today?

Me: Gotta run honey. Gotta cancel the kegs and Midgets.


Anonymous said...

You mean you got to cancel the kegs and the other midgets. We already know one is going to be there.

Abogada said...

Ummm... I don't recall those being the exact details of the conversation- although I did have to set you straight about the Superbowl. Flintstones? 500 crunches? Midgets? And I didn't call you smartypants, I broke the news to you as gently as possible.