Sunday, January 29, 2006

Rejection Letters

Rejection letters are hilarious. One firm declined to offer me a summer position despite my "impressive credentials and work experience." Apparently they were only hiring people with "ridiculously impressive credentials".


Abogada said...

No, they were only hiring people with really, really, ridiculously good looking impressive credentials and work experience.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I'll be starting my first year this fall -- i'm loving your attitute and perspective! would you mind contacting me via myspace for some more info?

JArguien said...

And so the cult begins...all hail his High Exalted Honorable Importanceship!

"The Leader is good!"
"The Leader is great!"
"We surrender our will!"
"As of this date!"

Anonymous said...

ive never said this but i guess now is time. i really love your blog too. i know ive been coming here for a while and never said it but here it is for all the world to see! I LOVE YOUR BLOG! late at night when im just lying there i dream about clicking on my "2 cents and change" favorite link to see what your ridiculously imaginative mind has come up with. dont stop! dont ever stop! i need it! oh how i need it!!! oh wow, oh yea, mmmmmm, that was amazing. i gotta be getting back, but if you ever want to get in "touch" you know how to find me.

- sasha
ps: omg you are sooo dreamy, lmao lololololol hehe, bff? :)~~~~~

alex_slander the gr8 said...


I dont really have an anonymous email so could you please post your questions in the comments and I will respond from there. Plus, many other law students read this blog, so they might have other perspectives on your questions. Good luck.