Tuesday, August 23, 2005

OCI stuff

Finishing up the resume. Tomorrow im going to write a cover letter for all the other firms I plan on applying to. Everyone warns about writing one cover letter for mass use, but I plan on tailoring this one specifically per firm. I formerly thought that this was self-explanatory, but apparently "forgetting to brush your teeth" isnt either. In fact, the list of things not to do at an interview was hilarious. I wonder if anyone really "gets it". Including myself.


Abogada said...

Did you remember to include the fact that you are really hot on your resume? (You know just in case they are looking for someone who is really, really ridiculously good looking.)

Anonymous said...

Please find a different zoolander quote, because i think you have used the same one dozens of times within the duration of this blog. It's the same quote! Doesn't anybody notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!