Friday, August 26, 2005

Fall Recruitment Part 2

Turned in my applications to 9 employers including my summer firm. The firm this summer is the 10th biggest in my market, so at the very least I would like to work for them or one of the bigger firms. I would take an offer from my summer firm in a heartbeat, but since the hiring partner is on vacay I have to wait.

The cover letter turned out decent I think. I was going for something less traditional than the name, why qualified, crap that everyone else turns it. Depending on how many interviews I get, I might end up eating those words.

To be honest, I dont really expect any interviews. If I get any, I will be ecstatic. So for now, the waiting game. And the reading game. I have plenty of reading to start with for Monday.


Abogada said...

I am sure that it will all go just as well for you as everything else has. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Dude, don't sweat it. You're so fucking money you don't even know it. You will definatly get a job with your summer firm, if not even more interviews and offers from others.
On a lighter note I just got home here in San Antonio, its 4:17 and I need some sleep. Got a good day of studying tomorrow.