Monday, June 28, 2004

Moore is better

Fahrenheit 9/11 is hot. So hot, in fact, that I started an argument at work with a paralegal just by telling her that I enjoyed the movie immensely. I don't agree with everything in the movie, but I felt that Moore tied together quite nicely Bush's prior oil affiliations, and how the liberation of Iraq might stand to help profit those in Bush's company. Not only did Moore provide a convincing argument, he did so with the panache that a top box office smash should have. Critics rely heavily on blaming the "editing" of the movie, portraying Bush in a bad light. True, to a very minimal extent, it is hard to edit that fact that GW is not a good public speaker. In fact, most of my college professors have better communication skills. Am I, an educated individual supposed to believe that someone not capable of articulating smoothly and coherently, is dually capable of running this complex economy? That is what I have been led to believe so far. It is sad that people are so quick to condemn what they don't understand. For a man that has never been interested in politics, I am genuinely looking forward to learning more about both candidates before the upcoming election. I do believe that Ketchup is easier to get out than oil is.

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