Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I'm a good cause

For many many years, rich people have been buying their way around society. Using their money to sneak through the door literally while the common folk such as I are left to pay the cover charge. I wonder how much would have to be donated on my behalf to get into one of the schools that waitlisted me? It might be cheaper to donate the money to the school than to move all the way across the country to attend the other school. This donation would also provide the donor a tax write off becoming an even more favorable option. So would 5k get me in? Has anyone out there heard of someone whose done this?

Another thought: Kids always have fundraisers for school. Candy bars that are ridiculously overpriced are pushed more aggressively than cell phones. I am always the first in line to support these kids. I regularly buy more chocolate than any 9% body fat person in the country.

So how come it is not acceptable for me to sell candy to pay for law school? Since when did "poor starving college student" not be the omnipotent excuse for everything? I could see it now. I would buy a variety of candy at Costco, selling most for 3x what I paid. Using my marketing degree, we would have maximum product visibility at the office, promotions and even student discounts for the candy. I would design some ridiculous but genius upsell idea, like t-shirts or hats. I would even have my law schools tuition pricing in close view of the candy. But, im pretty sure that the partners and everyone else would think I was scumbag for doing this. It would be labeled "tacky".

This situation also reminds me of my undergrad alma mater contacting me for a small donation. Where were they when I needed help paying for my undergraduate degree? Oh that's right. They didn't have any financial aid for me. The Dean happens to make almost 300k at my school. What a fuc*ed up world we live in.

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