Monday, August 16, 2004


48 hours and i'm outta here. I hate the feeling of leaving. My dream is to be a kick ass lawyer, but the feeling of being left behind is still aching inside of me. It bothers me that everyone will be having fun while I am studying my ass off. This is completely immature but I hate those phone calls of "Were having fun man, wish you were here".

Bought a nice Columbia jacket to keep me warm in those minus temps. Going away party went horribly wrong, as most of my friends got into drunk arguments. At least I got to see them.

Napoleon Dynamite is a funny, feel good movie. Brought back memories of my nerdy days (some would say they arent over), although ND is a much better dancer than I ever will be. Made me wish I had a dirtbag uncle Rico so I could steal his clothes everytime I need an outfit for the pimp and ho party at the frat.

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