Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Cinco de mayonaise

You want annoying? I'll give you annoying. As im getting dressed yesterday morning, I turn on the news to check and see whether my pirate pants and bandanna are going to be enough to keep me warm throughout the day. Instead of the usual display of fender benders and predictions of rain, the TV was filthy with Jared from Subway. Not a commercial. An interview with Jared "im famous for the wrongest of reasons" Subway. Apparently he was in town hocking Subway's new "tastes and looks like shit sandwiches". I couldnt turn off the TV fast enough.

Later, as i drive home from school, i turn on my favorite radio station, ready to rock out to the greatest hits of the 80's, 90's and more! The phrase "Serenity now!" didnt do the moment justice. They were interviewing that stupid fuck again. 8 fucking great subs under 6 grams of fat. A sandwich interview on a fucking radio station?!!???

This world is going to shit. And fast.


Anonymous said...

The radio is a lot better past 8. You would know this if you weren't a gunner who makes it to the library before the work study student who unlocks the doors.

alex_slander the gr8 said...

Hey Kettle,

Hows law review? And the big firm job?



Ps. I was listening to the radio in the afternoon which is well after 8. Better shape up those critical reading skills for the bar.

Anonymous said...

Then I definitely take back the gunner comment. If you're not in the library until at least 10, you're not even close to that status...

jennymae said...

What do you have against Jared? He's kinda cute in a nerdy way and now he's rich from all of the commercials he's done.

Anonymous said...

Hey guess what....
I went to Indiana University (IU) where Jared went and also where the subway that he started dieting at is. Do you know why he did that diet? There are apartments connected to the top of that subway where he lived so basically he was too lazy to walk anywhere else so he ended up doing that diet. Good Story huh? :)

Anonymous said...

I loathe Jared! LOATHE HIM! Plus that seems like a whole lotta carbs to be telling people they can loose weight on.