Wednesday, May 02, 2007

You cant take our dreams from us, cuz we're sleeping when we have them

I can't stand smug hippies. Especially smug hippies who drive volvos with biodiesel stickers on them. Yesterday, a good friend of mine informed me that biodiesel is actually just a variation of regular diesel and that people are hyping it because its trendy. Upon further examination, it turns out he's correct. Those holier-than-thou hippies can kiss my ass. And then make my latte.


Anonymous said...

Had my last class today, and all my papers are in. Woot!

jennymae said...

Speaking of hippies, green deodorant sucks. REALLY sucks. Just thought you'd want to know.

Anonymous said...

hey if willie nelson says its good then it HAS to be right?! i mean lets just disregard the fact that the man has wasted most of his brain cells through excessive doobie use and other drugs. "bio-willie" is a scientist and i dont care what anyone says.

i also don't care if i get massive dingle berries from only using one square of toilet paper. cheryl crow says it will stop global warming and if she can sing and is famous that means she's a scientist too.

God i hate the idiots.

"ron paul for president"

Anonymous said...

Better tell Turd to be careful!