Monday, May 07, 2007

The beginning of the end

Two finals down. Wills and Trusts was not particularly pleasant, but most of my fellow students walked out of that exam clueless like me. Trademark was ridiculous, just like the professor's lectures. To call the exam time pressured would be like calling Paris Hilton flirty. It just doesnt do the phrase justice. I barely finished, and mostly because i am good about getting to every issue rather than going into a few in much detail.

Now the only thing that stands between me and my diploma is Secured Transactions. Its fitting that my last final of law school is in a dreaded UCC class. Regardless, it must be done.

On the horizon is all the planning for the firm and my europe trip. And there is also that little exam in July that apparently i have to take. Still, much needs to be done. But somehow law school teaches you that unless you are studying, you really arent that busy. Or so it seems.

Anyway, this post signals the beginning of the end. I've been considering killing this blog for a while now. There are just too many things on here i no longer wish to share with some people. I dont know when im taking this sucker offline. Maybe a day, maybe a month. Thinking about starting another blog...


Unknown said...

Good luck finishing up with exams.
I'd like to hear how things work out with opening your own practice - I'm likely going to go the same route. If you feel like discussing start-up stuff, shoot me an email:


I just picked up the ABA book "How to start and build a law practice" by Foonberg to get a general idea of what I'm getting into. I haven't had a chance to read much of it yet, but it seems to cover quit a bit. Might want to check it out (it's on sale at Amazon right now for around $40).

Anyhow, take it easy.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you on your exams. I know that you will do awesome.


Anonymous said...

new blog about the joys of starting ones own practice with your life partner.

ps: congrats studly

Anonymous said...

Aubs, where did your blog go!? What am I supposed to do when I'm bored?!