Friday, December 16, 2005

The cat lady

Its been a long week, so I rented a movie. Though this wasnt any movie, it was "The Island". Now what better way to unwind than to watch a movie alluding the ethics of cloning. I think cloning should be allowed but only so that our clones can be sent it for law exams. Wait. I didnt really think that out but I dont want to delete it. Just pretend that our clones could be made after we attended each semester and then they could go into finals with all of our knowledge, while the real "us'" could go to the bar and get crunk. Maybe perhaps a little pregame with abogada and her clone...


Anonymous said...

Thats what I'm talkin' about.

JArguien said...

Alex: Uh oh guys...we're in a hole!

Ares: What do you think we ought to do?

Opetke: We'll DIG our way out!!

Snowy: Good idea!

Alex: No, no....dig [b]up[/b] stupid

Anonymous said...

You lost me on that last line ope.