Thursday, November 17, 2005


Things I highly reccomend you abstain from:
  1. Surfing the net during class.
  2. Surfing the net during class while having only skimmed a case.
  3. Getting called on by tough prof that is out for blood.
  4. Asking the prof which page the case is on when he calls on you.
  5. Saying i dont know to his first 5 questions.
  6. Having brilliant co counsel elected on your behalf because of your gross incompetence.
  7. Spending the rest of the day at the law school being sarcastically congratulated by overachieving 1L's who think you are a moron.
  8. Capping of this wonderful day with cheap Chinese food.

1 comment:

Abogada said...

Just feel bad for the over-achievers. Nothing is more sad than when someone has nothing better to do than be #1 ass kisser!