Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Library

My life is studying. Thats all I do. Occasionally i hang out with the girlyfriend. Ive been looking for a new place in the library to hang my hat and I found it. Very minimal foot traffic.

Sank my teeth into Torts today and gained some ground. It will still be a hard road ahead but I will do it.

I suppose it is some relief in that no matter what happens I will be going to a top 100 school with some friends joining me as well. I would still like to kick ass this term for my personal goals and job prospects after law school.

The next 3 weeks will be hell and then the big dance.

After that, I am a 2L. Man that sounds weird.


Anonymous said...

Man that was a long gap w/o any new posts. I thought it was over. I guess I can come off the ledge now.

Dude, your going to be back in a month. Get ready for some good times!

JArguien said...

I'll bring the viking helmets, you bring the ether....
