Friday, October 08, 2004

Magic Beans and Nemesis II

Im halfway through a bag of chocolate covered expresso beans, and time is breezing by. Wired to the point that i cant stop drinking water. Torts outlining. Midterms next week. Everyone here is frazzled. Whats the big deal? I wonder if I had gone to a more prestigous school would they still use the school name in the multiple choice questions? Probably not. I shouldnt have rejected harvard.

My nemesis is now my good buddy. We even exchange outlines. I have a new one though (we shall call him Nemesis II)and i punked him in class the other day. He tried claiming that he figured out something, which in fact, our contracts prof had actually pointed out. I timed my remark just right, and the class was laughing on my command.

I think i will be a worthwhile citizen and watch the debate tonight. I think law students contribute more to the gross GDP of Columbia more than they do the US. May the rest of this country drink a cup and realize how bad W is messing up this country. At least he's giving Leno job security.

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