Monday, June 18, 2007

Explain it to a 5 year old

In law school they always said you had to explain your answers as if you were talking to a 5 year old. Thats fine and dandy except the Bar examiners apparently dumb the level down even further. They want you to explain yourself as if you are talking to a barely conscious somewhat literate baby. These essays suck.


Anonymous said...

Got my first graded essay back in the mail today. It wasn't bad, but the grader advised me that I was "timid" in my answer. Maybe I should write the essays in all caps as if I am yelling at the grader while making my argument? Anyway- best of luck with the bar studying. Hope all is well.

Liz said...

Haha - I know. It's like, "I really have to repeat this SIX times?"