Monday, April 23, 2007


I love how the creepy guys have made practically every woman incapable of making eye contact in public places. Initially i thought that reaction was unfounded and extreme. Then I had a dude look at me like i was the last filet mignon at Ruth Chris' on a Saturday night. Now i completely understand.


Anonymous said...

That happened to Justin the other day at the bar- I went to the bathroom and he said he felt so uncomfortable b/c this guy was making eyes at him and sipping his drink weird- only to run away when I returned. AH! -d

jennymae said...

Now you know how I feel when you walk by me in the library - don't deny it!

Anonymous said...

welcome to my world, nothing makes me want to crawl into a ball beneath a cold shower quite like getting eye fucked multiple times at the gym.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, the irony here is laughable. Ugly chicks wish guys were checking them out, hot chicks wish guys would stop checking them out.
I'm going to go out on a limb and posit that the hot chicks got the better deal here. You should be thankful guys take the time to notice your assets. Take it as a complement.

Turd Ferguson said...

Sorry about that Alex, it won't happen again (blush)

Anonymous said...

I prefer a Petit Filet Mignon with a side of garlic mashed potatoes and asparagus.

It's like a taste of heaven with every single bite.


alex_slander the gr8 said...

I gotta disagree with snowy. Sure, hot girl must love some guys checking them out, but most are just creepy and not very discreet about how they ogle. CAse in point, its one thing to have a ballhog glance over at you. Its quite another to have the same ballhog frothing at the mouth and clearly looking at your ass while you are doing bicep curls.

There is definitely a classy way to check people out, and certain people, both men and women could learn its subtleties.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have to agree with Alex on the specifics of this argument. If I were a chick, having Creepy McCreeperson or Old Balls McGee molest you with their eyes would be gross. Creepy McCreeperson should be checking out his computer, while Old Balls McGee should be eyeballing Matlock.
Subtlety in checking out chicks is key.

Anonymous said...

The dirty scuzzy checkout can be fun for we ladies b/c it gives us complete licensure to outburst with a "good god eeewwwwww" or just general snorts of laughter right in said pervs face.

No checking out boys do is "subtle"...but thanks for trying!

jennymae said...

The problem is that it's never the hot guys that do the creepy staring - it's always the white guy in the gangsta tank top with a gross moustache and inch-thick glasses that do the most obvious staring.

And I'm obviously an authority on this because I'm HOT.