Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Guns without Roses

I dont have time to write a post that does the recent tradgedy in Virginia justice. I do, however, want to stimulate some conversation on gun laws and protection in the US.

One on hand, countries that ban guns entirely have a lot less violence. Look at Japan, they've had 50 shootings in one year. 50! There's more than fifty in Portland a month.

On the other hand, the constitution grants Americans the right to bear arms.

So where is the middle ground?

You have to fight fire with fire if you plan on winning. People need to be educated and trained on the proper use of guns. This would reduce the stigma attached to gun ownership and encourage honest, law abiding citizens to carry heat.

Also, institutions that have thousands of people, such as universities, need to have more properly trained armed people on campus. We need more security guards by the hundreds. The schools CAN afford this. If the mall can, a private school charging 30k in tuition can. Public schools can get funding as well. The money isnt the issue though. Americans dont like to admit that we are weak.

Criminals carry guns and frequently use them. So why not the general public? Think about it.


Anonymous said...

Man I'm glad you wrote about this! If someone in that classroom had a gun, so many people wouldn't have died. Gun control laws and metal dectectors keep guns out of the hands of law abiders- period. Hardly anyone carries a gun because of heightened laws and security almost everywhere. People who would shoot up a school know this. Would someone have gone into a classroom full of students that were able to carry guns, and where it was common for people to carry guns to be able to protect themselves? No. A crazed shooter will not abide by any laws and metal detectors will only help them by taking guns out of the hands of you and me so that we can't protect ourselves.
As far as America having so much more violence; our culture is very different than Japan. The news glorifies (talks about for days and days) people who do things such as this. Also, our movies are more violent- the horror movies aren't ghosts so much anymore as they are movies about torturing the average bystander. Japan is a very conservative culture, unlike us.
Just a thought! - hope all is well, d.

alex_slander the gr8 said...

This was in my inbox as I returned from class to the library this morning. It really exemplifies how vulnerable we all are wherever we go. I didnt even get this email until two hours after the incident.

Members of the [School redacted],

At about 9:15 this morning, a white male wearing an ammunition belt was seen by a staff member headed to the academic area on the Fir Acres campus. Description: White male, 20-22 years old, 5'10", thin build, medium brown hair just over the ears, wearing a light and dark colored stocking cap, loose-fitting clothing, possibly sagging dark-colored pants. The belt appears to hold approximately 50 rounds of live ammunition. May also be carrying a small book bag. If you see this person, immediately contact Campus Safety at 7777 and report the location Do not confront this individual. Portland police have been notified.

Please stay in your current location until further notified via this
listserv. Thank you.

Director of Campus Safety

erynes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
erynes said...

the problem isn't the right to bear arms, it is a perverse view of the right to free speech. movies, tv, video games, and music have numbed minds to violence and actually encourage it. guns have been around for a long time, but we haven't had mass shootings like this until recently (5 or so decades) when the scope of free speech was expanded grossly. i submit that america needs to take stock of its values and make some hard dicisions when it comes to what the freedom of speech allows. does this right allow us to question authority (as i believe it does) or does it go so far as to promote violence and other immoral behavior?

alex_slander the gr8 said...

I agree that America promotes violence through the various speech mediums, however, I strongly disagree that the solution is to restrict the speech. Rather, I believe proper education corrects where the speech may mislead. My parents allowed me to play violent video games but taught me that violence is wrong.

If wanting parents to do their job is asking too much, then perhaps this country should focus more on infusing the public water supply with depo-provera.

alex_slander the gr8 said...

Hey D, glad to hear from you.

One thought in response to your comment. Look at countries in Europe that, like Japan, also ban guns entirely. Most european cultures are entirely more liberal than the US and still have less murders.

So maybe there is something to banning guns and actually enforcing the ban.

But im not sure im ready to give up my right to own a gun either.

jennymae said...

If someone in that classroom had a gun, so many people wouldn't have died.

I disagree - The solution to a mentally disturbed person with a gun is not to give more people guns. First, the statement rests on the assumption that everyone else involved will exhibit calm, rational behavior during an emergency. They won't. Second, the reason that someone shoots up a classroom is not because no one else has a gun. He does it because he has a problem with his head - that's the root of the problem, therefore, that's where the solution needs to be aimed. Third, giving everyone guns makes it easier for loonies to get one.

I am all in favor of gun control laws because they keep guns out of the hands of children, partner abusers and people with felony backgrounds. Yet they still let people like me who like a little security to have one.

alex_slander the gr8 said...

My prior comment was just deleted so here is a brief summary: Both mental heath and illegal access to guns will always be prevalent as both are incurable.

The only real solution then is to make it a fair fight and arm the rest of the people.

jennymae said...

Alex - the NRA thanks you.

Anonymous said...

" I am all in favor of gun control laws because they keep guns out of the hands of children, partner abusers and people with felony backgrounds. "
hahahaha. That's the idea isn't it?
Tightening the laws only affects law abiders. "Bad guys" will get guns. - d.

Anonymous said...

As a gun owner, let me say that no person, organization or set of laws will take my firearms from me. I embrace my right to bear arms. This being said, I also believe that we should probably make the process of purchasing a firearm somewhat more difficult. It is far too easy for a person to purchase a firearm, I know from personal experience. Every firearm I've purchased has taken less than 20 minutes, and I walked out with it the same day. Greater scrutiny of an individual's background who wishes to purchase a gun seems prudent, in addition to an actual waiting period. This seems like a healthy compromise between pro/anti gun control folks.

Abogada said...

"When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." -always been one of my fave quotes. The truth is tighter gun laws aren't going to fix anything. Speaking as someone who just worked in criminal defense for a few months- trust me anyone who wants a gun, and has the money to get it- can get a gun. Besides- this guy was insane, and just wanted to go out with the exact publicity that the media is giving him- that's precisely why he sent those pictures to NBC- so they would do exactly what they have done and post them all over the media. Even if he hadn't been able to get his hands on a gun, he would have built a pipe bomb or something. I think the key here is getting a tighter grip on crazy people. Not guns.