Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Why I am not a "Republican"

Michael J. Fox is being criticized for "exploiting" his disease by endorsing two Democratic Senate candidates who back stem cell research.

[enter Rush Fucking Limbaugh, M.D.]

Rush Limbaugh, in the usual tactless Republican demeanor said that MJF was embellishing his body swaying, a symptom of Parkinsons Disease, during the filming of the endorsements.

I fail to see how MJF is exploiting anything. By backing a couple Senate candidates, MJF is merely aligning himself with candidates likely to promote cell research; the only chance MJF really has to extend his already shortened life.

Had MJF merely said "vote for these guys because im a celebrity and i endorse them", then there would be cause for criticism. MJF didnt though, and merely urged the apathetic public to vote, suggesting the corresponding country wide impact of voting.

The fact that Rush and other Repubs feel the need to criticize MJF for this is purely abhorrent.

Perhaps im wrong here? This is why I will never call myself a Republican. I may vote Red when the time comes, but only when the candidate transcends the ignorant and unchanging stereotype that prevails modern conservative republicans.

End Rant.


JArguien said...
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Anonymous said...

Here's an idea: how about both parties simply refrain from engaging in politics of personal destruction and address the issues.

Wishful thinking, I know...

Anonymous said...

previous comment courtesy of snowy

alex_slander the gr8 said...

SNowy for president

Load said...

MJF admitted during filming that he had taken too many of his meds. Side effects of that causes tremors. It is amazing that MJF doesn't shake for filming of Boston Legal but does for a political commercial. Convenient? Garnering sympathy for his condition to further his political agenda? No, Democrats are good people, Republicans are evil right?

alex_slander the gr8 said...

My issue with the whole situation is not that Rush called MJF out about it, but that somehow, the sympathy that MJF is allegedly supposed to evoke is a practice that only Democrats participate in.

MJF is supporting the two Senate Candidates because they support stem cell research, thus these candidates are more likely to help MJF's disease than candidates that dont support stem cell research. So, in my opinion, MJF is merely representing a candidate that he can identify with, and in this case, in a very real way. Critism of this practice doesnt make sense.

The whole idea of politics is to represent someone that will be your voice. Here, MJF has found his voice. If he didnt have the disease, then his endorsement would be shameless, but thats not the case.

Unfortunately, I cant really find a candidate that is my "voice". Thus, I will be voting for whomever comes closest. Demo or repub.