Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The job search.

Its kind of strange how your best intentions can sometimes turn out the opposite of how you planned. You may have seen your life going in one direction only to find it twisting another. The job search has been fruitless so far so I have expanded my search to many other states. Perhaps my future job lies in Chicago, California, Arizona, Texas, Ohio or Washington?


Abogada said...

If I were you I would steer clear of Ohio. Unless you want to represent cornfields or livestock. Just kidding :)

Anonymous said...

What about Oregon? You could go and resurrect love with the Stalker!

Anonymous said...

Oh no she di'nt

Abogada said...


Anonymous said...

Somehow I don't picture you here in the great state of Texas.
D.C would be a good option.,I'll probably be there by then, so you'll have good incentive to make the move.