Thursday, April 14, 2005


I have a complaint about the school i currently attend. For $700 the school psychologist will evaluate you and determine whether you have a "learning disability". For those who genuinely have one, I apologize in advance as this post is inspired by those who do not.

After the student is determined to have a "ld", they are given an extra 2 hours on exams. Does the teacher know that they had 5 hours to complete the horserace Torts exam? No. Fair playing field? NO.

There are so many people who have "ld"s here, that one class is over 50% "ld" students. Hello people, the bar exam doesnt give you extra time. Your clients wont give you extra time. The judge wont give you extra time. Why do I have to suffer because a majority of my classmates slept through ethics class and decided to play the system in their favor.

Even more to blame is the school. There seems to be a big conflict of interest considering the student pays the school who then pays the doctor. If it sounds fishy thats because it is. I know plenty of classmates who have "ld"s but they participate in active lecture in class. They also know a lot more than me. They also get 2 extra hours on the exam.

In the long run they are only cheating themself. But try convincing the school that...


Art Hornbie said...

50%, seems suspicious. Perhaps the bar is set too high ... and who is setting that bar?

Anonymous said...

Lawyers abusing the system!!! I REFUSE to believe it!!!
