Thursday, February 10, 2005

Update (like you really care)

Its funny to see the looks of sheer confusion on my classmates faces in Civ Pro. Its probably the only class I "get". Send me $10 and I will explain it to you. Chucky Cheese tokens accepted also.

Slumlords havent responded to my complaint. What a surprise. Either way, I researched the law well enough where I think I might have an airtight argument on this one. I suppose that you could counter by saying that no legal argument is airtight. I could counter by flipping you off and telling you to GFY.

Fellow class Gunner made up the "Law of Avoidance". Sounded great until Prof Contracts said there was no such thing. Try again. Making stuff up about the law only works at bars when you are picking up college chicks. Not that I would know.

If everybody truly got sick of living in the midwest like I feel sometimes, and then moved to each coast, would they then move back because it was too crowded on the coasts? I doubt it. That is why there is so much inbreeding in Cali.

The OC tonight. Lesbionic powers will triumph. Men will cheer. Women, take notes.

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