Wednesday, March 21, 2007


People need better self-breath perception. To me there is nothing worse than sitting next to someone in class that is breathing fire and talking your ear off. You know its bad when they yawn and five seconds later you get a tidal wave of stank. Fucking altoids people.


Abogada said...

Ummmmmmmmmmm- you don't even know how bad- bad breath is capable of being until you visit a jail and interview for several hours a day with clients who are in lock-up. The worst part is that no matter how bad you want to- you actually can't give them an altoid.

Anonymous said...

That is so true; the trick is to turn your head so that they are talking into your ear instead of your face...I always just acted like I didn't hear them. So gross. Especially when they are really nervous right before court. OMG. Bad memories! -guess who

Abogada said...

Haha. I know D posted that last one!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aubs you're a genius! haha -d

Anonymous said...

I was going to add - insert Turd's name here - but he beat me to the punch. Kind of like he beat me off the other night! Thanks Turd!
-Your Anonymous Lover