Thursday, February 01, 2007

open letter to the stock market

Dear stock market,

Thank you for killing any hope i had of paying my law school debt down. In fact, with your recent downward spiral I will be lucky to send one of my eleven kids to college. Perhaps the only way you can make this world just again is by reuniting Guns n roses or neutering Paris Hilton. At the very least, give me my money back.

Yours truly,

Broke a$$


jennymae said...

Yes! Reunite GnR! Slash is hot.

btw - you picked bad stocks and you're going to have 11 kids? Maybe you should have signed your post "Dumb A$$" instead.

Anonymous said...

Paris Hilton is a female, so your would spay her. Neutering is reserved for any male that would try to impregnate her with what would undoubtedly become the devil's spawn.
Man I loathe her.

Abogada said...

I like Paris.

alex_slander the gr8 said...

There really is no proof that Paris is female.

JArguien said...

Bah! You can do anything with video these days bro.

I'm convinced PH is a cyborg. And the little dog she carries around in her purse is really a battery pack.