Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Like omg, I'll do anything for beads!

Mardi Gras is uber-lame. Only men without game ask women to show their breasts. Only attention whores show them. And neither are the people you want asking or showing.


Anonymous said...

It seems I am visiting this blog more and more lately. Probably b/c Turds has gotten soooo boring!!

Anonymous said...

yeah, turd- step it up! an injured chuck norris just isn't the turd-quality we've come to expect!

alex_slander the gr8 said...

Britt, as always, we appreciate your patronage!

Turd Ferguson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jennymae said...

Alex - your post is blasphemy! The only Mardi Gras you have to refer to are the lame copy-cats that happen everywhere else but New Orleans. Everyone thinks it's all about boobs and beads. Get yourself to the South and see how it's really supposed to be!

Anyway, don't let your booby drought make you bitter. Somebody will let you see them someday.

alex_slander the gr8 said...

I have seen enough footage of the "real" mardi gras to see that I am not missing much.

And the only reason there is a drought here is because there arent any tetons worth seeing.

jennymae said...

sounds like sour grapes...

alex_slander the gr8 said...

Grapes yes, Grapefruits, no.