Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I put the prude in jurisprudence

A classmate told me this blog has been boring lately. I wish i had more exciting things to post about, like how Anonymous Stalker sent me flowers and chocolates as an early birthday present. Or, i could post about how Michael Richards just passed up OJ Simpson for douchebag of the week. Or i coudl tell you about my rock hard abs and how they bring the girls to the yard. And they're like "its better than yours".

For my coup de gras i woudl like to invite the readers to submit a title for post, to which i will write a few sentences. Sometimes the puppet yanks back on the strings.


Abogada said...

I'll give you a topic- Closet Republicans/ Secret Conservatives. Discuss.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you liked the bday gifts I sent ya. If it put a grin on your chin and a tickle in your pickle, then it was all worth it. BTW, I meant everything I said in that card. ;-)


"Top 10 Reasons Why I'm so Thankful for Anonymous Stalker..."


alex_slander the gr8 said...

Abogada, I dont know too much about Closet Republicans. What are those? My guess is they are gay republicans? Maybe we should ask mr. Garrison?

Secret conservatives sound hot. Like policital reps named cinnamon. that sounds like a conservative name. :}

alex_slander the gr8 said...


Maybe if i get some more hints will I post such a flattering dedication.

Anonymous said...

And I quote, alex_slander the gr8 said, "PS. I am convinced i know the identity of Anonymous Stalker."

Your self-assuredness implies that any additional information about my true identity would be deemed as superfluous.

alex_slander the gr8 said...

First of all, someone hacked my blog when they wrote that. I was too embarassed to remove the post.

second, while i may know "who" you are, does anybody really know their true "identity"? I, for example, put on superman underoos and run around town at night trying to "fight crime".

Plus, i think the "readers" deserve pics. And by readers, i mean me. After all, i need to know who to thank for all the anonymous flattery.

one more thing, using words like superflous on this blog will surely alienate our barely literate readers. Instead, i just plug my post into a speak and spell and it spits out what the readers normally see.

Anonymous said...

My last comment for the nite- Just listening to our mutual friend sing praises about you, makes me want to get to know you. How you look is irrelavent, but how well-received you are by your peers speak volumes about you. That is something you can't discern by picture alone.


alex_slander the gr8 said...

Then do it.

Anonymous said...

It's not for me to decide. :)


Turd Ferguson said...

I can't believe I just read all that.

Anonymous said...

I agree with T. Ferguson. The time spent readingthat are precious seconds I'm not getting back.

Anonymous said...

what the hell is going on in your life, alex? i ignore your blog for five months and come back to this? i don't know what to do but reveal the identity of your anonymous stalker...

it's janet steverson.

alex_slander the gr8 said...

im flattered. Can you change my F's to A's on my transcript?