- Cell phones do not soften fabric, despite what the sock gnome tells you.
- Appellate briefs really do take more than 3 hours to write.
- Spring break will never be long enough. Ever.
- Waiting to study Tax until 1 month before exams could be the best and worst decision you've ever made.
PS. If i had your phone number at some point, and you would like me to call you at some other point, please email your number to me. If you dont have my email, I probably dont want to your phone number*
* unless you have money, tax outlines, plane tickets, or male enhancement products**
** for my friend. seriously.
I was going to say. You really don't need any male enhancement products!
Alright Abbazaba, thats quite enough, this is an area of you guys relationship that should not be expressed in the public domain. And Tink, I don't care what she says, if you have ever taken a beer shower back at the house with OP then you damn well know none of us, yourself included, have anything to boast about. Radar knows what I'm talking about.
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