Zachre'blue! 'is charm iz extrood'aire zat 'e iz drawing zee notice of zee, 'ow do you say, sweete Gerogia peachez exr'todinaire!
Surely, mon compadre', zee merest 'int of 'is presance will set zee cheri aflame! Zee gentlest touch, zee most innocent phrase, once spokan will engulf 'er in a veri'table typhoon of cre'sending pashion and shocks bordeaux.
Or iz zee wings of zee mighty eagal to be replace'd by zee lessar wings of zee maxie pad, no?
Nice blog title.
Zee Frenchman,
Zachre'blue! 'is charm iz extrood'aire zat 'e iz drawing zee notice of zee, 'ow do you say, sweete Gerogia peachez exr'todinaire!
Surely, mon compadre', zee merest 'int of 'is presance will set zee cheri aflame! Zee gentlest touch, zee most innocent phrase, once spokan will engulf 'er in a veri'table typhoon of cre'sending pashion and shocks bordeaux.
Or iz zee wings of zee mighty eagal to be replace'd by zee lessar wings of zee maxie pad, no?
Feel better.
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