Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Deep Thoughts

Yours truly got a photo radar ticket for turning right on a red light. To make matters worse, the fine was $242. I was hell bent on fighting it until I noticed the citation had a little weblink at the bottom where I could watch the alleged infraction. Needless to say, after watching the video I can no longer call the alleged infraction "alleged" and must now call it an infraction. I never thought a quote from Terminator 2 would ring so true, "In the end, the machines win."

[update: i tried to post the link but it wouldnt work. You will just have to take my word for it that I ran the red. Or i could be lying about it to make you think that I am a badass.]


Anonymous said...

Here's a better idea on how to fight the ticket.


If you want more help leave a message below this and I will respond

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Link was broken
