Monday, February 27, 2006

Ninja skills

An example of my super ninja like quickness: I was walking to class when I slowed down to check myself out in the window of the passing classroom. As I gazed at myself, I noticed that one of my books was slipping out of my hands. Without breaking eye contact with myself, I caught the book singlehandedly as it fell to the ground. Thats fast.


Abogada said...

Narcissism at its finest.

Turd Ferguson said...

Instead of saving your book, you should have taken care of that huge boog hangin out of your nose.

alex_slander the gr8 said...

We both know that I never have boogs, mostly because I employ 3 pygmies to eradicate them every morning.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of noses, does anyone here have a good tactic for getting rid of nose hair without it growing back thicker/stronger.

JArguien said...
