Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Study Block

I cant seem to get myself to study today. Motivation wont make me. Fear rears its ugly head but I quickly dismiss it. 5 days till exams and who am I to just chill. Rather, crunch time took on a new meaning today. I went to the gym, lifted, ran a mile, did some crunches, and then played basketball for a couple hours. If I can move tomorrow, I am def going to the lib.


Anonymous said...

Get over to the library unless you want to dine on speghettio's for the rest of your life, living in a trailer w/ an astro turf front yard, 5 bratty kids and a mediocre wife, and the only vacation trip you will ever take is camping out in the woods.
Is that motivation enough?

JArguien said...

Yeah...then people will REALLY begin to confuse you with Shaun.

Oh thats right...I went there...

Abogada said...

Sometimes you just need a little break from trying to cram all of this stuff into your head. I think it was probably a good thing that you didn't force yourself to study all day.

Anonymous said...

Why dont you do some dishes....