Thursday, January 25, 2007


Bad things happen in threes:
  1. I bombed IP.
  2. My friend next to me just spilled coffee in class.
  3. The prof just said four horrible words. The Rule Against Perpetuities.


Abogada said...

RAP?????? Ummm........u sure you didn't accidentally wander into a Property 1 class?

jennymae said...

I thought I heard someone spill something in class. I was too busy avoiding paying attention to anything to know for sure.

Sorry about the grades...if you were graded on your personality, you would get an A+!

Anonymous said...

Hey Alex!
Three things: remember when I spilled my coffee in Cox's class and it fell on Christian's bag and missed the electric cord by a hair!? AHH! Also, remember when RAP made me cry and finally, don't worry you can't even be sued for malpractice if you mess up RAP! SWEET! ha feel better...d.