Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What im doing right this second

Curious George wasnt absolutely horrible tonight. To be honest, some parts of his performance have been stellar. Maybe even damn near impressive. But hold on, I said near. While fire and brimstone have not yet fallen upon us, I still have my gripes. Alas, I voted, and im not even sure whether the other dude would have made a difference.

All I know lately is that if i want to wear a sweater vest with my name embroidered on it without having to worry about being called a republican I should be able to in these free united states.

And if Radezzy wants to tell everyone and their mother that he has a condo in the pearl, then its his prerogative. Just please dont tell us when you take the mother home next time. I blew chunks for two hours solid.

Snowy: I havent talked to you much since Brokeback Mountain came out. I know this is close to the time you left to go back to school, but im starting to wonder if it has something to do with the movie.

Law School: you are the bain of my existence, yet without you I wouldnt have met Abogada. So thank you and F Off at the same time.

Anonymous commenters: stick to your new year resolutions and start a blog. That way you can annoy the world without making me check my email everytime.


Anonymous said...

Fine...I won't tell you the next time I take your mother home. But I know you can't help picture me and my orange wife beater....

-Radeezy Fo Sheezy

alex_slander the gr8 said...

your days are numbered. My dad reads this blog.

Abogada said...

I knew Georgey would grow on you. He is witty and comical- even you can't help but admit that.