Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Decided out of the blue to call my dream school and harass them for an answer regarding my transfer application. The deans assistant first told me that my file was on the deans desk and that i would be receiving an answer within a couple days. 5 minutes later the dean called to inform me that i was admitted. Amidst a rush of emotions, i told my fellow attorneys at the firm. Doing the lawyerly thing, they took me for drinks. I tried some expensive whiskey. Stick with Jack. It is much better.

It still hasnt sunk in. I just wanted to say thanks to my friends and family. Without you I couldnt have made it this far.


Abogada said...

Congratulations. You earned it. I knew all along you would get in.

Anonymous said...

You just won the college of your dreams! What are you going to do next?

Al, your line is "I'm going to free the Genie."

Anonymous said...

Nice job buddy!